Tuesday, December 22, 2009

a writer's winter...


"The tendinous part of the mind, so to speak, is more developed in the winter; the fleshy, in the summer. I should say winter had given the bone and sinew to literature, summer the tissue and the blood." -John Burroughs

This quote is warming me during the tail end of the worst snowstorm in this part of Japan, in 25 years....


NightFall914 said...

Great Quotes and Great Image.

Miss S. said...

Be safe & get creative! ;)

evierobbie. said...

That goes for you too Miss S. I've been on your page. You have some stuff lingering.

Miss S. said...

I will get right to it. I am trying to survive and enjoy the holidays at the same time. I wish you happy holidays in which ever continent you will be in and all the best in 2010. And thanks for visiting my page. I admire you for what you are doing...I don't know you at all except from your blog but get proud feelings when I read your posts.

evierobbie. said...

Thank you love! I appreciate it!